One of every ten graphic designers in the United States is of Latin descent. In the last ten years, Latinx designers in the field have only grown by 2 percent.
There are many reasons why this problem exists, such as parental support in the Latinx community, lack of resources, awareness, accessibility, and representation, to name a few.

The L.A.Tinx Designers Project aims to solve a piece of this problem by highlighting successful Latinx Graphic Design Angelenos and their varying fields through a poster series and an informational zine providing insights on each designer and their respective fields.
The mission is to expose high school Latinx Angelenos to a professional graphic design career early on, help them view it as a viable career choice, and ultimately narrow the gap.

Posters strategically placed in common areas where High School Angelenos frequent.

Students could scan the QR code on the poster where they would be lead to more information about the featured artist and resources.
Poster Series
Five monochromic, stylized posters were created. Each poster features the L.A.Tinx Designers title, a featured artist with two areas of focus in design, a sunburst pattern signifying a new day and a new wave of designers is coming, and a QR code that leads a Linktree where the young Angeleno can gain supplemental inormation.

Informational Zine
Another element of this campaign was an eight-page zine to go along with the posters. The zine provides a project overview, some essential terms to be familiar with, a page dedicated to each featured artist, and two different design areas. The pages were created in spreads, cut to size (4.5"x6" final size), and bound by me.

L.A.Tinx Designers Linktree
Lastly, a Linktree was created and branded to add supplemental information to the campaign. The advantage of this method is utilizing one QR code throughout the project. Instead of having different QR codes on each poster, when the code is scanned on a poster or zine, the person interacting with the site can then choose other artist's portfolios, discover more Latinx designers not featured, and also be connected to resources. Another benefit is that the Linktree site provides analytics. In this manner, quantitative data can be gathered to determine the campaign's effectiveness.